Key Clients

Seaside Mastering


Seaside mastering is a facility based in Taipei that boasts a huge array of PMC monitors from the gargantuan BB5 XBD to diminutive twotwo.5.

Their monitors include:

  • Main: PMC BB5/XBD
  • Mid Field: PMC TwoTwo 8
  • Mid Field: PMC LB1 SE w/AVM M2
  • Near Field: PMC TwoTwo 5
  • Surround: PMC AML1 x5 w/TLE1 Sub

Ben Wang of Seaside Mastering said the following about his beloved PMC's:

“With PMC speakers, I am all confident to finish my job.”
“To my ears, the PMC speaker is the most accurate as well as pleasant monitor to listen to.”

Credits include:
