PMC twenty5.21

PMC twenty5.21

twenty5.21 review

Following their previous review of the twenty.21 the bar was set extremely high but the twenty5.21 failed to disappoint, as the-ear's Jason Kennedy explained, "…the more expensive twenty5 series model is a far more sophisticated and revealing loudspeaker…".

The article talks in depth about the design process and the obstacles overcome by Oliver and his team, when producing the twenty5.21. It also mentions the incredible quality the speaker has to offer, with comments such as:

" effortlessly detailed and surprisingly wide bandwidth sound for such as compact box".

“…it delivers such incredible coherence and large scale imaging.”

“…the power handling capability of this PMC far exceeds expectations…”

 "…if it's emotional communication that you appreciate then this is a very hard act to beat at any level.”

Click here to read the review in full

Review Publication:
Review Author: 
Jason Kennedy
Review Date: 
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
Review URL: