PMC result6 Monitors

PMC result6 Monitors

Ask Audio - result6

ASKAUDIO tests our aim of bringing our well-known technologies and incredible sound quality to a broader section of the market.

The review talks in depth about the use of ATL technology and how our efforts "really do seem to have paid off. The sound is remarkably concise and consistent at all listening levels.

Other comments include:

“The build quality is of course excellent and there’s some clever stuff going on inside the box”

“…the effort PMC has put into designing the ATL system really does seem to have paid off”

“The 6.5 inch mid/bass driver is able to deliver solid and accurate bass while still pushing out crisp and clear mid range”

Review Publication: 
Ask Audio
Review Author: 
Hollin Jones
Review Date: 
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Review URL: