Matthew Dear Chooses PMC Monitors for His Studio

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Matthew Dear Chooses PMC Monitors

Michigan-based electronic artist, producer, DJ and remixer Matthew Dear, Ghostly Records' first signing, has bought a pair of PMC twotwo.8 reference monitors for his personal recording studio, an impressive facility based around a Mac Pro running Logic and a 1979 vintage Spectra Sonics mixing console.

Dear felt a need to change his studio monitors after becoming dissatisfied with the transferability of mixes he was creating in his studio. "My old monitors weren't cutting it for me anymore. I'd take a mix to a label or to a collaborator's place, and sometimes it would be spot on, and sometimes it would be off. When you mix your own stuff, you need that ability to translate. I know of guys that have million-dollar rooms, but their tracks only sound good in that room. And if it sounds great there, but not on an iPod or on the radio, you have a problem!"

Dear likes to remain aware of current audio equipment trends and researches everything he buys himself. He heard about PMC's twotwos on-line and was keen to audition them, having heard of the company and its Grammy-winning roster of users. He also contacted Techno pioneer Carl Craig for advice after reading that he owned PMC BB5s. Craig advised him to speak to Maurice Patist at PMC USA directly.

"I contacted Maurice, and he couldn't have been more helpful," explains Dear from his studio. "He sent me some twotwo.6s to demo, and I really thought they were going to be too small for me. But I was really surprised and impressed. They sounded amazing for their size." Eventually, Dear chose to buy the twotwo.8s, the largest in the twotwo range, feeling they were more closely suited to his roomy studio.

"I was working on an electronic album with another artist, and my old monitors were making everything sound very nice and smooth. When I got the PMCs, it was almost like taking a rag with Windex on it and cleaning a dirty window. Everything was much more present, and the areas I really needed to work on started jumping out at me. There was more accuracy in the high frequencies, and especially in the low mid. That's where I was really missing out with my last speakers; I needed something more controlled."

Now setting up a new studio in the Detroit area, Dear feels the twotwo.8s have brought him the transferability he was looking for. "Since getting the twotwos, when I've worked on something here and then taken the mix elsewhere, it's exactly as I heard it here. I don't get any hidden surprises any more."

Matthew Dear is DJing around the USA in February 2015, and on tour later in the year under his Audion alias. For more information, see