Chris Bradbury joins an expanding PMC

Friday, July 12, 2013

CHris Bradbury Joins PMC

PMC is recruiting Chris Bradbury as technical support co-ordinator to its sales and marketing department as a result of its recent continued growth and to help drive forward its ambitious plans for the future.

Bradbury will be responsible for the logistical organisation of the company’s busy exhibition schedule, training programme and on-site customer demonstrations. He will support the business in both the consumer and professional recording studio markets.

Previously with Prism Sound Ltd, a manufacturer of studio equipment, Chris was familiar with PMC’s products due to the close working relationship between the two companies. A graduate in Music Technology from Cambridge, he took up a position in testing and production with Prism, where he expanded his knowledge of diagnostics, test and measurement for audio electronics.

Further experience gained with SG Controls in the role of test engineer and his work as a freelance audio technician for theatres and studios, equips Bradbury with many skills that will be invaluable in his new role at PMC. A keen music lover and musician, he is often to be found the other side of the mixing console recording his own compositions.

Miles Roberts, managing director of PMC, says, “As PMC continues to grow in our markets across the world and the opportunities for expansion increase, Chris will be a valuable and much-needed support to the very busy sales and marketing department.  His technical skills and musical prowess will also enhance a very talented team here at PMC and reassure customers of our dedication, passion and flair to the development of our speaker technologies.”

Chris comments, “I became familiar with PMC during my time at Prism Sound, and it was easy to see why the company had such an outstanding reputation within the industry.” He continues, “I am delighted with the obsession to quality from all the staff here, and the dedication the company displays to its relationship with all its customers and distributors is truly a breath of fresh air! There are lots of exciting developments happening at PMC and I feel very privileged to have been given this opportunity at this time.”